December 09, 2007

The saga of Luke's haircut

Luke has always been afraid of haircuts, for as long as he's been in the Blyth household. And I mean a real phobia, not just that he doesn't like it. When he was littler, he used to throw tantrums whenever the scissors came out--screaming, crying, even throwing up. My parents joked about trying to sedate him in order to cut his hair; in fact, they might have even tried it, but I don't think it worked.

And then my dad discovered that Luke has a real love for personifying items. For example--in this case--Scissors. Yes, I meant to use a capital "S." You see, Scissors is Luke's friend. They talk together and have nice chats about hair-cutting and other things. Now that Scissors exists, it's possible to cut Luke's hair because it's a friendly operation.

But Luke's hair is the kind that ideally should be cut with electric clippers. For years, though, he's been terrified of the clippers, refusing to even let them near him. So Daddy recently created Clip, the friendly clippers. And it's worked! Luke actually used the clippers on himself right before Mom and Dad left. (He called it a "miracle.")

Luke's hair is pretty straggly, however. Dad only ever cuts a little bit at a time to keep Luke from going nuts, so it's always been pretty uneven. Well, David decided to give the whole head a makeover. He got out Scissors and Clip, and they did a fabulous job (though Clip is different from what David's used to and didn't do as close a cut as he wanted). Luke made it through--with a few tears and lots of complaining, and now his hair is evenly cut. Yay!

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