December 05, 2007

Baby Abigail's visit

You might remember that Mom and I went to the hospital on August 1 to pick up a baby girl less than an hour old. Mom has been a foster parent with the hospital's crisis pregnancy centre, ProLife, since its inception a few years ago. We named the baby Abigail, and she was with my parents until the end of September. At that time, she was adopted by a university professor and his wife, an educated and well-off couple who had been childless throughout their 13-year marriage.
---------I saw Baby Abigail at the well-baby clinic a month ago when I took Timothy to get his BCG and Hep B injections, and she was huge! Her parents had renamed her Ruth, and she was just adorable. Granted, I didn't spend much time talking to them because I was busy and because I was rather out of sorts, still sore and exhausted from delivery. But it was nice to see the little one.
----------Today, Abigail/Ruth's mother showed up with the baby--now four months old--to visit my parents. I sadly told her she'd missed them, that they left yesterday. But I took two photos to post so my parents can see how big Abigail is!

---------This is the kind of progress we love about fostering!!

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