March 02, 2008

Overwhelmed and fatigued

SO MUCH has happened since the Internet went down on Friday, the 22nd!
  • My parents returned from furlough!! Yippee! David and I moved out of their house back to our own--without running water, of course--and are enjoying a bit of respite from Luke-sitting. The good news on moving back is that our Internet connection in our house is back up and running for the first time in over six months--yay!
  • I went back to work...
  • David got accepted to his top choice school in England! This is a huge relief and a surprise for David. (He just doesn't believe in himself very much.)

We're incredibly glad and relieved to have my parents back for every reason in the book. They are wonderful people, and we sure missed them while they were in the U.S. for almost three months. Luke, too, is quite glad. :) Thanks to everyone who encouraged us in their absense!

Going back to work has been hard, but I'm determined to get back into a routine. I spent two days this past week at the Joint Project office, between a normal workday and a semi-annual board meeting. I'm not really sure how to work while mothering Timothy, but I'm sure it's something I'll figure out with time.

Obviously, we are thrilled beyond words at David's acceptance to his top choice school and program! The hard part is only beginning, however, as it's my job now to find funding. We're applying for several different scholarships and are hopeful but realistic. The cost of the program alone is over $30,000! In addition, we'd have to find money for living expensive in London (although I do hope to work at least part-time). Yikes! It's daunting, but we know that God is in control, as always, and He'll give us the money we need if this is the program He wants David in.

On top of all that, I'm going to Abuja again this week to hopefully settle Baby Timothy's passport application once and for all. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and am prepared this time to ask to speak to the person in charge if necessary. This is just getting ridiculous.

And furthermore, I need to buy plane tickets for our trip to the States and then figure out our itinerary and budget. Oy! Now you see why I'm overwhelmed and fatigued. Help!


  1. Yay and Yikes both!! Kai, I'm so proud of David and hopeful for you guys, but don't envy all that you have going on. Make sure you get enough rest. "If you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything." =)

  2. Anonymous21:59

    I'll be praying for you! What a daunting workload!
