February 21, 2008

Filling in the details

Someone pointed out in an email this morning that I haven't really said much about this whole grad school business. So let me fill in some of the missing pieces.

David wants to study Public Health in the UK with the intent of returning to Africa to put his degree into practice. He's applied to four schools. His first choice school is in London, but it's also the most competitive program. Also, I think it's the most expensive--and London is, of course, the most expensive in which to live, of the three cities where we applied. On the flip side, the London school also has the broadest scope for scholarships... Anyway, we're waiting.

All the programs are one year, but we haven't been getting our hopes up much yet because it would only be by God's infinite grace that we could get funding for any of the programs. We aren't paupers by Nigerian standards, for sure, but we don't have $30,000 just lying around either. So we'll wait and see and trust God to provide if He wants us to go. In the meantime, when I get the official admission letter(s), it's frantic scholarship application time for me! What would David do without me? ;)

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