March 08, 2008

Wedding season begins

I'm actually not talking about in Nigeria. I mean in the States and elsewhere in the world. I just thought about it because last night at the monthly SIM potluck we sat next to our good friend whose son is getting married in June and whose daughter is getting married in September. I entirely wish I could be at both weddings. We'll even be in the States for her son's wedding, but it's in Delaware the day after my friend Melissa's wedding, which we will be attending in California. And we'll be back here (or in England) in September.

Next week a good friend is getting married in North Carolina. He's a violinist and is marrying a flautist, so you can imagine the priority music is going to play in their wedding. I wish I could ask to get a videotape of it!

I had two friends who were planning on getting married in April in the UK, but one has called off the wedding entirely, and the other has postponed hers, so I'm not missing those. (Selfish of me to say, considering their headaches and heartache.)

Then in June, there are four weddings I would have loved to attend, but we'll probably only make it to one. Why are all my friends waiting until now to get married?? Why couldn't they have gotten married while I lived in the U.S.? It breaks my heart to miss these big days. I guess the good news is that most of my best friends from college are still unattached, and my four best friends from high school are also still decidedly single. So there's hope I'll be able to see them wed in the days to come. And will I ever get to be a bridesmaid again? (Well, no, not technically, since I'm married and no longer a "maid.")

Anyway, I'll get over it.

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