January 23, 2007

Zoë joins the family!

I brought Zoë home yesterday! She's about eight weeks old and is adjusting quite nicely to her new home. We talked about a name for her, but David's not really that sort of idea man. (Don't get me wrong; he's great in other fields of ideas!) So I went with something short and sweet (Grk, life). And it happens to be the name of a young woman who was a friend when I really needed one. (Thanks, Zoë!) She's adorable and wonderfully playful. And I'm going to have to get used to having scratches all over my hands from her little claws! :)


  1. argh, i just left you a comment and it got erased. anyways, enjoy your cat at least you wont have mice!

  2. I love reading your blog! It is enlightening to read about another country. Please take photos of your town, home, and even the meals you make as you are writing history for my children(we homeschool).
    I just started a homeschool blog at homeschoolblogger.com/mcbenningschool, to keep somewhat a record for us. Then I write penofjen.blogspot .com to throw around my thoughts on what is going on, and my life as a Christian. It's really neat to read yours. Take care,
    Jennifer in New Mexico USA

  3. oops... sorry, i used the wrong username to post that comment...

  4. Anonymous08:13

    Naomi wants you to know that she thinks Zoe is cute! I'm sure she wishes we were close enough to come over all the time and play with her. Enjoy your bundle of fur! =)
