January 31, 2007

I have a job!

Well, two, actually.

Starting tomorrow, 1 February, I'll be working as an editor for African Christian TextbookS (ACTS) and Joint Project for Sunday School Materials (JPSSM). I'm really excited that I'll finally be doing something I'm good at and enjoy. (Last year I did data entry at a company in the States, and I loved the coworkers but didn't really like the job...) PLUS I'll get to work from home most of the time (I'll be working 32 hours a week), so the hours are flexible, plus I don't have to drive...yet. Yay!! Thanks to everyone who gave me advice. I really appreciate it.

For anyone interested, I've added the link to ACTS on my sidebar. Check it out!


  1. What fantastic news. They really DO need an editor. I know you'll be great at it!

  2. Anonymous11:44

    Good luck with the new jobs! Sounds like a great setup!

  3. Anonymous11:44

    Good luck with the new jobs! Sounds like a great setup!
