January 04, 2008

To travel or not to travel?

My cautious husband has forbidden me from disclosing any details about our visa situation, so let me just give you the quick rundown:

We thought we had started the application process for an immigrant visa (green card) to the U.S., but this is not the case... Long story, and it's complicated. If you want details, email me, as I can't disclose them here.

In the meantime we heard we could not apply for a visitor's visa because of the other application. Now that we know we have not filed for the immigrant visa, we can apply for a visitor's visa. Again, for reasons I don't want to share, we didn't know if it was even possible to get a visitor's visa interview.

I'm happy to say we have an interview scheduled for early February. Yay! This doesn't mean we will be able to travel, but at least we'll give it a try. This is a huge relief to me. If--by some miraculous touch of God's grace--we are given the visa, we hope to travel to the U.S. in June/July. Pray for us!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous16:05

    Wow! We hope all goes well for you! So you convinced David to come to the U.S. after all, did you?
