October 12, 2007

Friday night blues

It's almost 7pm on a Friday night, and here I am, all alone in my parents' house (since the Internet in our own home hasn't worked for months). Mom and Dad are on vacation this week, so I'm making sure the house is okay and the dog is fed. Both very difficult tasks, I assure you.

I'm not one of those people who loves being alone. I can take it for awhile, and as an introvert, I need some alone time. But it grates on my nerves after not too long. When I've been asked to house-sit in the States, I've always ended up turning on the TV while I do something else (besides watch it) just so that there's some noise. It's not that I don't like silence. I just don't like empty silence--knowing that there's no one else around. I never feel safe. I guess that's from spending my early childhood in Los Angeles, always worried about a thief in my closet or some crazy child-snatcher coming in through my bedroom window. And now with armed robbery so rampant in Jos, I feel less safe than ever when I'm alone at night.

This is the life of a resident's wife; what can I say? I knew it would be like this, and I don't for a second regret marrying a doctor.

But it sure does get lonely.


  1. Whenever I get scared like that, I pray. Maybe it would help you too.

  2. I know what you mean, Saralynn. I like noise too. How often is David gone during the evening?
