July 02, 2007

Cat Sitting - Day 1

My friend Sara is accompanying her husband Sunny on a three-week business trip, so I volunteered to watch her new kitten for the duration.

Was that wise?

Well, offering to watch the poor thing was undoubtedly a good idea. Her neighbours have small children who might have terrorized the kitty if they’d had the opportunity to “take care” of him. But the easiest thing—and here’s the rub—was for me to bring the kitty home with me while Sara’s gone.

I know, I know. Cats have a hard time getting along. But I know lots of people who have multiple cats, and didn’t necessarily get them at the same time. So it has to work out, right?

Or am I wrong?

Zoë really doesn’t like sharing the house. The only thing I can think to compare it to is that Zoë is the uwargida (matron of the house), and is treating this “imposter” kitty like a new amarya (bride). As though I’ve taken two wives, and the senior one is treating the junior one horribly! (The analogy doesn’t quite work, as the kitten is probably male, but that’s not the point.)

My question is…will they get along eventually? Or will Zoë continue to hiss and growl every time she sees the kitten for the whole three weeks? Should I try it for a few days and if it doesn’t work out, take the kitten back to his home and just feed him there every day? Sara’s house isn’t far; only a 15-minute walk. But the kitten will get pretty lonely in that apartment all by himself.

Also, because this kitten is only about nine weeks old and very recent to Sara and Sunny, he/she/it still doesn’t have a name. Should I go for the next three weeks calling it, “Kitty”? Or should I give it a provisional name? I haven’t really thought of anything suitable yet anyway (considering they’re not sure it’s a boy), but I can’t imagine just calling him, “Kitty” all the time.

So I throw my hands up in the air and wait to see what happens next.

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