December 26, 2006

Forced Exile, Day 22

First, let me assure the world at large that my sister is a fantastic mom. She knows what she's doing, and she's great at what she does. She has patience that I could never hope to have, and she sure loves her kids.

Now that we've got that cleared up...

It's funny having an infant in the house with two pre-schoolers running around. This is an entirely new experience for me. Naomi asks Josiah, "Do you want to pet Ethan?" When Ethan squirms, Naomi says that he wants to "play and run around." Yesterday Josiah offered Ethan a piece of white-chocolate-covered pretzel, and we had to explain that the baby will only be eating milk for several months.

And Lisa leans over and says, "So this doesn't make you want to have babies?"

It's not that I don't want to have babies. They are cute and cuddly, and I'm sure when I have my own infant, I'll think he's the best thing that ever happened to me. Sure, apart from the being exhausted all the time and cleaning up poop and spit-up and waking up all during the night to breastfeed, babies are great!

No, it's the little kids that unnerve me. It's the Naomi shouting, "No! I don't want to!" and running around the house, refusing to take off her ballerina outfit to put on pajamas. It's the kicking and screaming when it's time to wash their hair in the bath. It's the "I don't like broccoli" and "I don't like pizza" and "I don't like that." It's the gooey stickiness on the furniture after Josiah disobeys and rubs his face on the couch after dinner before getting wiped... Oh boy.

So someday I'll have kids, if God grants them. But in the meantime, He's gonna have to work really hard on my heart to prepare me for motherhood!

But there's nothing sweeter than hearing, "Ish!* I want to give you a hug and kiss good night!"

So maybe I'm on my way... :)
*"Ish" somehow came from "Aunt Saralynn" when Naomi started talking three years ago.

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