December 02, 2006

Eye of the hurricane

I've been married for two weeks now! And perhaps someday in the near future I'll write about it. It was an eventful day, obviously, with highlights including being attacked by a swarm of teeny flies (no-see-ums?) during the photographs and being dressed (twice, mind you) to look like a Tiv bride. Phew. Quite a day!

And now the honeymoon's over, so I get to relax a little, move into my new house, and start living the married life...

...or not.

Nope. My life recently has been a whirlwind - but for a few days here and there on the honeymoon, also about which I'll have to write at some point in the near future - and it doesn't stop here.

I found out a few weeks ago that I might have some trouble with my visa and immigration, and since then we've been scrambling for a solution... to no avail. It seems that the only solution to my problem is to return to the States and reapply for an altogether different type of visa. Actually, this was made quite a bit simpler by the fact that I already have a return ticket to the States (I had to purchase a round-trip ticket to get my current visa). So I'm leaving Tuesday morning, the 5th, and flying back to the States.

When will I be back?

I entirely sympathise with the song "Jet Plane." I don't know when I'll be back. I'm leaving my new husband without a return date in mind. We're all hoping and praying it will just be a few weeks. And I don't imagine I'll be gone very long. But my fate will rest in the hands of the embassy employees. What a relief that God's made plans for me that I don't know about - plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future!

So maybe I'll have a white Christmas after all.

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