September 07, 2008

Work begins

So I started my new job on Wednesday! I don't have a desktop yet, but I'm so used to using a laptop that it doesn't really make a difference. They say I'll get a desktop week after next. Yay! Here's a photo of my office after I rearranged the furniture.

my office

(Beforehand, the cords were really easy for Timothy to follow and chew. It's a nice little place, and I like it. In the lower right is Timothy's makeshift bed, made of a stack of four or five blankets overlaid with a soft blanket as a "sheet." Hey, don't knock it; it works! As you can see by the sleeping babe thereon:

Timothy sleeping at work 

I'm glad to be in this new work, and I'm eager to start getting things done!


  1. Congratulations!!!

  2. Thanks for the pics. I love seeing your space, and your set-up for Timothy is great. Is he happy while you work?
