August 20, 2008

Another new job

Does it say something about my personality that the longest I've been in a job since graduating four years ago is 18 months?

Yep, I'm starting a new job next month. I'm both excited and anxious about it for lots of different reasons. It will be a welcome change of pace from writing, editing, and--above all--formatting Word and Publisher documents. (I didn't get a $100,000 education so I could create text boxes!) And it will definitely be stretching in some pretty important ways. But obviously that'll be hard, too. I'll have my very own office--for the first time ever. (I had a cubicle at my first job in Oak Brook, IL, but it's not the same.) And it's a brand-new job, so there'll be a lot of learning for both me and my supervisors. It's really a breath of fresh air. I know my work has really benefited Joint Project for Sunday School Materials, and I 100% agree with the work and its significance. But I'd fallen into a rut there that I don't think I could have gotten out of without quitting. And after coming back from the States, everything in my life has just seemed so colourless. Maybe this job will add a bit of spice and anticipation.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll write more about it once the work starts. It'll certainly be a new experience. So far I haven't found a nanny for Timothy, so I'll take him to the office with me and see how that goes. If I get desperate, Mom can watch him for small spells. I'm not worried.

Pray for me!!


  1. Anonymous22:28

    Congratulations on the new job! And hurray for the office, too. It is definitely nice to have your own space at work.

    Mine has become more like an apartment than an office. I have the usual assortment of doo-dads & trinkets -- sentimental swag from past projects. Plus spare clothes & deodorant & makeup. And emergency food stuffs (canned green beans, microwave popcorn, tuna). And a blanket (after all, it does get cold). And my dulcimers (yes, plural: mountain & hammered). And a tuner. And a music stand. Oh, yeah, and a computer, desk, and chair.

  2. Anonymous23:16

    I live at my office too a little bit. I just moved to a bigger cubicle at a different location, and learned how much STUFF I have packed away in my drawers (desk, not pants LOL). I know what it's like to start out at a brand new job, and now that I'm over a year in it I still love it just as much as when I started (even though I have a lot more actual work now). So congrats, change is good, and may the Lord bless you in it greatly!

  3. What is the new job? Who is it for? Are you like a spy now?
