April 10, 2007

Secrets revealed

All right. Fine. The cat's out of the bag. (And I don't mean Zoë, either.)

People are starting to whisper, so I might as well just be straightforward. Yes, I'm pregnant! I'm only nine weeks along, though, and I was worried about telling people too soon in case something happened. But it's impossible to keep this kind of secret when you're sick so much. Besides, it's a very Nigerian thing to get pregnant immediately after getting married, so even if I weren't expecting, people would think I was simply because I've been married almost five months.

So yes, for anyone who cares, David and I are expecting November 14th, if all goes well. I'm tired of being sick (although the medicine David's giving me is amazing). I'm ready for my first trimester to be over!! Tonight I cooked for the first time in over two weeks. And I was horrified at the state of our fridge. Luckily, tomorrow's shopping day, so I can restock on all the things we're out of. Now I just have to clean out all the yucky food from two weeks ago. *shudder* Ugh.

I'm going to avoid writing about my pregnancy here, since that's not at all what this blog is for, so if you're interested, you can follow our progress at Baby Trek: The Next Generation (http://babynege.blogspot.com)

**For whatever reason, my computer won't let me input a link, so you can either (a) type it yourself (horror of horrors!) or (b) follow the link provided in my links at right. I'll try to use David's computer to fix the problem tomorrow.


  1. Congratulations Sara. I read ur post religiously although I dont think I have ever dropped a comment on ur blog. Pregnancy is always very welcome news. CONGRATULATIONS to you and David.

  2. Congratulations! As a mom of four I knew you were pregnant when you posted how you were ill for a week:) Many blessings to you and your husband! I pray that you will have a comfortable easy pregnancy.

  3. Congratulations on your pregnancy! Enjoy the journey and get spoiled rotten.

  4. Congratulations Sara and David!!!
