April 04, 2007

Contentment is...

**feeling good after being sick for ten days. (Thanks, everyone, for all your encouragement!)

**tasting fresh challah spread with real butter. (I miss SAGA!)

**smelling rain on the wind blowing through the living room windows.

**listening to a tinny web feed of country music.

**hearing rolling thunder passing overhead, rumbling and booming.

**gazing at the enormous slate-grey clouds I know will rain somewhere if not here now.

**watching Star Trek Voyager episodes on a lazy afternoon.

**reconnecting with old friends I thought were long gone.

It's a plain Wednesday. Nothing exciting has happened. But it's been a good day so far. Why? The answer is contentment. It's not about what happens or what doesn't happen, what I have or what I'm missing. It's about how I see it, how I smell it, taste it, feel it, hear it. And just for an instant, it is perfect.


  1. Contentment! Wow, I just posted a survey on that on my blog. Did you see it?

  2. Thank you stopping by. I was not trying to imply that Christians are superior to Muslims, I was working on the terrorist being the same as me.I 've added an update to make things more clear. Please forgive me if I seemed arrogant.
    By the way I must admit that the reason I enjoy your blog so much is that you have given me a window into a world that not only can I ever see nor can many others.
    I appreciate you and your humble day to day post, and it makes me a better home school mom. Because I can share a window of the world with an actual person, not a journalist who can leave at any time, nor a history book that may not think preparing chicken is historical. You have humbled me and made me work on working with what I have instead of going and getting more(American need for new)
    I stop by often and hope you don't mind. Thanks for all
    A sister in Christ in NM

    By the way my home school blog is more about the family: mcbenningschool.blogspot.com

  3. hi saralynn, so glad to hear you are well again!! do you have special plans for Easter? love, shaz

  4. Followed you over from pen of jen. I lived in the amazon jungle for 10 years and the thought of living in a desert...scary!!
