March 05, 2007

Carnival day

Saturday was the annual Carnival at Hillcrest School (our local Christian school begun for missionaries, and my alma mater). David and I weren't real thrilled about going, but I hadn't been in five years, so he agreed to go for a little while.

It was so different from the carnivals I remember of years past! It wasn't an insane mass of people. There weren't so many activities I couldn't think straight. There wasn't enough food to make anyone sick. But the essential bits were the same. There's still a contraption like the dunk tank, where you throw the ball, hit the circle, and get the teacher soaking wet. There's still a bean-bag toss at the wooden clown whose face is a teacher's. There's still horseback riding and face painting, still the zip line and all the little games in the gym for smaller children.

And we had a grand old time exhausting ourselves! David rode a horse... for the first time ever! He also rode the zip line... for the first time ever! I was so proud; he faced both challenges like a man and laughed about them. He also had his first real hot dog - with ketchup and mustard. (We ran out of tickets before he got to have his first snow cone or cotton candy, though!)

And little Luke got to ride on a motorcycle!


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  2. You and your experiences are greatly missed. I am a repeat visitor to your cool Path Through Tall Grass. I pray that you are well and taking a break.
