February 04, 2008

On our way - please pray!

In an hour or so we'll be heading to the capital. Tomorrow morning David is going to his visa interview at the U.S. embassy. This is a huge deal to me, as his being granted a visa would mean my extended family would finally get to meet him, and my friends and family Stateside would get to meet Timothy. It would also mean our being present at my good friend's wedding in California in June. If you're a praying person, or if you even believe in God at all, please pray for us! David's not nervous at all, but I'm going bananas with anxiety. And I won't be allowed in for the process. If you read this after 9:30am (GMT+1) Tuesday morning, please pray that God will give us peace and understanding if we DON'T get the visa, and that He will help us with all the planning that needs to be done if we DO.

Wish us luck!